Firewood Price List
Includes most deliveries in Mendocino Co. and Northern Sonoma Co
Most Anderson Valley prices will be reduced by $15/ cord.
When fresh-cut firewood dries out, the cellular structure of the wood fiber hardens. and slightly
shrinks. It takes a lot of time, air circulation, and heat to do this.
When the firewood becomes well seasoned and rained on, it will absorb rain, but the moisture can escape much faster because the cell structure is now different. The wood is much harder, but the cellular structure is more open, allowing the moisture to escape much quicker.
Well-seasoned firewood that has been rained on can dry out and be burned within a short amount of time. (What is a “short amount of time”? It depends on where you put it.)
Hardwoods – Your Choice:
Partially Seasoned See video for explanation |
Seasoned | |
1/2 Cord | $280.00+ tax | $315.00 + tax |
1 Cord | $500+ tax | $565 + tax |
2 Cords | $470 /cord+ tax | $535 / cord+ tax |
3 Cords | $465/cord+ tax | $530 / cord + tax |
4 Cord dump | $460/cord + tax | $525 / cord + tax |
U pick up | $4.60/ cu. ft, (18 cu. ft min) | $4.60/ cu. ft,(18Cuft MIN.) |
MADRONE | $40 extra | $40 extra |
Soft Wood – Available:
Varying degrees of moisture & dryness See video for explanation |
1/2 Cord | $245.00 + tax |
1 Cord | $430 + tax |
2 Cords | $400 / cord +tax |
Strech-Wrapped Bundles -Wholesale only
Call for price 707.895.2133
To place an order you may either call 707.895.2133 or
use our
Unlike the burning of fossil fuels like gas or oil, burning firewood releases no more harmful greenhouse gases than would be produced were the wood to simply rot on the forest floor.
The oaks used for our firewood come from areas that are being thinned for reforestation of Redwood and Douglas fir. So you can appreciate that you’re using wood that’s beneficial to the forest to be removed.